The Value of Exposition

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The Bible is God Breathed. It is inerrant in the original manuscripts and what we have to do is 100% reliable. Once we understand the authority of the Bible then we must carefully examine it to answer two key questions:

  1. Who is God?

    1. Triune - Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Co equal Co eternal

    2. Jesus is fully God and fully man

  2. How is someone made righteous with God?

    1. Through repentance toward sin and trust in the death, burial and resurrection of the God-man Jesus Christ.

The truth of the above two points can not be understated and are arrived at from the Holy Spirit led exposition of the Bible. To rightly understand the Bible we must look at the Bible by: Whole theme, Book, Chapter, Section, Verse and then individual words.

Expositional preaching helps break down a passage so that the Holy Spirit’s intended meaning of the passage is preached clearly and with authority. It is important to note that the application of that text can vary but there is only ever one meaning of a passage of Scripture.

For help with this I recommend:

  1. Steve Lawson

  2. John MacArthur

  3. R.C. Sproul

  4. Wayne Grudem

Here is a quick definition of Exposition that may be helpful from the MacArthur

By expositionally, [he means] preaching in such a way that the meaning of the Bible passage is presented entirely and exactly as it was intended by God.” He defines expository preaching as “the proclamation of the truth of God as mediated through the preacher.”

Thanks for reading,

