3 Tips for Better Bible Reading

When it comes to reading your Bible remember the words of the Psalmist:

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

  • 3 Tips for Better Bible Reading

  1. Developing the habit of systematic Bible reading is a skill that must be learned and taught from an early age. I highly recommend the Prof Grant Horner System.

  2. Use colored pencils to highlight. They won’t bleed through and they look much better! They are also very inexpensive.

  3. Have the attitude of Jesus and cut off any possibility of not making Bible reading a priority to start your day. Ray Comfort says: “No Bible, No Breakfast”


Keep your eyes continually on the cross! Increased Bible knowledge can puff up, but remember that love builds up. Seek humility, grace and kindness, but always remember that our best works are filthy rags to a Holy and perfect Triune God. Praise The LORD for Jesus’s perfect life and wrath bearing sacrificial death and resurrection.

Thanks for reading, leave a comment below!

SDG - John