7 Tips For Legacy Planning

How do we help pass on a Godly legacy to our children and grandchildren? One of our prayers is to see our Children and grandchildren (Lord willing) walking with the LORD. Here are some tips to help pass on a Godly legacy.

  1. Pray for your children daily

  2. Lead family discipleship daily

  3. Teach them to read the Bible daily and repetitiously for themselves

  4. Use a hymnal with your children sing from it daily. Teach them a new hymn weekly

  5. Develop a family mission statement Here’s ours:

    1. Live for the Glory of God, Love God, Love your neighbor and make disciples that make disciples

  6. Set apart a room in your house and call it the: Discipleship Room. You will be surprised how this will help clarify the purpose of that room and the activities in that space.

    1. Tip - add a chalkboard to the wall to teach them, have fun, and celebrate daily events

  7. Celebrate often and consider writing out a family “vision” statement. Or just use the verse below, frame it, and put it on the wall where your family will see it often. (An Ebeneezer of sorts).

None of the above are sure-fire ways to guarantee your Children will be walking with the Lord but the Bible gave us a great example of what family training/discipleship should look like:

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:7

Thank you so much for reading!

